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“Health is not only to be well, but to use well, every power we have.” ~ Florence Nightingale (1893)

Barbara and Larry sit on the bench under the cedars of Lebanon at Embley Park, Romsey, Hampshire, where Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) heard her first call from God, on February 7, 1837.
Awards Together
Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN and Larry Dossey, MD
Visioneers Award, Visioneers International Network (2020)
Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine Visionary Award (2016)
Pioneer of Integrative Medicine Award, Aspen Center for Integrative Medicine, Aspen, Colorado (2004)
Archon Award, Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing (2003)
Pioneering Spirit Award, American Association of Critical Care Nurses (1999)
Empathy Award, World Cultural Alliance, Guadalajara, Mexico (1989)
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